The theme of this Festival, 'panta rhei', refers to the colourful mix of topics that will be presented. The proposed programme aims to give a balanced overview of present and future trends in Hungarian research activities in the field of applied fluid dynamics. The contributors come from a range of institutes, namely: 50% from the university, 10% from the Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and 40% from Hungarian industry.
The regional activities and future intentions of ERCOFTAC's Austria-Hungary-Slovenia Pilot Centre will also be presented by its Coordinator, Prof. Kuhlmann.
Furthermore, the activities of two of ERCOFTAC's Special Interest Groups, 'Aeroacoustics' and 'Large-Eddy simulations', will be presented by their Coordinators Prof. Juvé and Prof. Geurts, respectively.
The Festival is aimed at scientists, engineers, technical managers, and funding agencies that wish to gain an overview of local research trends and capabilities. It will also highlight the expertise that ERCOFTAC can offer its members and industry to realise their research and development needs.
(Click on names to download presentations)