Monday 11th October 2010:
Scientific Meeting
Morning: Presentations by Portuguese FTAC groups
Afternoon: ERCOFTAC DaVinci Award 2010
Evening: Dinner at restaurant 'O Forcardo'
Tuesday 12th October 2010:
ERCOFTAC SPC, IPC and MB-GA Committee Meetings
* There is no registration fee for the ERCOFTAC Autumn Festival or the committee meetings (members only).
* Coffee, refreshments and lunch during the Festival will be available at one of the student bars at the participant's cost.
* The cost of the evening meal on the 11th October is to be covered personally by those attending.
* Participants are responsible for arranging their own accommodation in Lisbon.
* Documents for the committee meetings will be distributed to registrants shortly.
The workshop took place at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Av. Rovisco Pais,
at the Centro de Congressos (Sala 02.2) located in the Civil Engineering Department.
The IST campus is located at a convenient distance from hotels, restaurants, and diverse cultural sites. Being close to the center of Lisbon, Instituto Superior Técnico is easily reached by bus, metro, taxi or car from any location inside the city; it is about 3 Km from the Lisbon airport. Different suburban train lines also run from the surroundings of Lisbon (including Sintra and Estoril/Cascais) into its downtown area.