The Bulletin is published quarterly by ERCOFTAC at the Czestochowa University of Technology and is free to members - who can download recent issues from the Members Area.
Alternate issues of the Bulletin are devoted to a special scientific theme; a list of past and planned themes can be found here. These special issues provide a snapshot of the state-of-the-art of research in flow, turbulence and combustion.
Download this feature article from our special themed Bulletin No. 78 on Environmental Fluid Mechanics.
The Bulletin also contains: news from the ERCOFTAC Association; reports and activities from Pilot Centres; Special Interest Group reports and activities; workshop, summerschool, conference and meeting reports, etc..
Guidelines for submitting material to the ERCOFTAC Bulletin.
ERCOFTAC Member Institutions receive one copy of the Bulletin free of charge.
If you have any questions please contact us, and we will be happy to answer you!
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