29th - 30th May 2008

Näsby Slott, Täby, Sweden

The 12thNordic Pilot Centre meeting, NPC-12 took place at Näsby Slott in Täby, 15 km north of Stockholm. The meeting started with lunch 12:00 onThursday 29th and ended at 16:00 on Friday 30th. The meeting was organized by the Linné FLOW Centre, department of Mechanics, KTH and FOI.

Thursday was devoted to a workshop on the theme“Fibre suspension flow” with invited talks from industry and academia.Friday was open for presentations of different activities within theNordic Pilot Centre. Ph.D. students and other NPC members.

In total, 26 presentations were made and the number of participants was 44.

Pilot Centre meetings have been held annually sincethe first meeting in Sweden back in 1996. The purpose of the meetings is to exchange information about the ongoing research activities in the Nordic countries in various fields of flow, turbulence and combustionin relation to the need from the Nordic industry in an informal atmosphere.


Thursday 29th May

12.30-13.30  Lunch 

Special session: "Fibre suspension flows"

Chaired by professor Laszlo Fuchs

Organized by Fredrik Lundell. 

13:30-13:40  Introduction, Stefan Wallin, KTH and FOI

13:40-14:00  New SIG on Fibre suspension flows, Jari Hämäläinen, UKU

14:00-14:30  Fibre flow research at Metso Paper, Tomas Wikström, Metso AB

14:30-15:00  Applied fluid mechanics in industrial flows- rheology and multi-phase flow application, Richard Holm, ITT Flygt

15:00-15:15  Fiber Transport in the Respiratory Airways, Sofie Högberg, LTU

15:15-15:30  Fibre suspension flows, Heidi Niskanen, UKU 

15:30-16:00  Coffee 

16:00-16:30  Predicting pipe pressure drop for fluids with high fibre content, Fredrik Innings, TetraPak AB

16:30-17:00  Challenges in pulp processing, Mats Nigam, Noss AB 


17:00-17:10  Introduction to workshop, Fredrik Lundell

17:10-18:00  Workshop discussions in groups

18:00-18:30  Workshop presentation by group secreterary 

19:00            Dinner

Friday, May 30th 

8.30-8:45:       Ercoftac and NPC information, Stefan Wallin, KTH and FOI. 

8:45-9:30      Generic flows: Session Chair – Lars-Uve Schrader, KTH

8:45               Simulations of turbulent boundary layers with scalar transport at high Reynolds numbers, Qiang Li, KTH

9:00               LES of flow around a finite cylinder, Sinisa Krajnovic, Chalmers

9:15               Cellular vortex shedding in the laminar wake of a tapered plate, Hatef Alidoosti Khaledi, NTNU

9:30-10:00    Flow control: Session Chair – Lars-Uve Schrader, KTH

9:30               Investigation of the effect of vortex generators in wall bounded flow, Clara Velte, DTU

9:45               Statistical modelling of the influence of turbulent flow separation control devices, Florian von Stillfried, KTH 

10:00-10:30  Coffee 

10:30-11.00  Industrial applications 1: Session Chair – Olle Bodin, KTH

10:30              Analyzing Single-Blade Pumps with OpenFOAM, Mikko Auvinen, TKK

10:45              Fluid mechanics activities at ABB Corporate Research, Ola Widlund, ABB

11:00-11:30  Experiments: Session Chair – Olle Bodin, KTH

11:00              2D PIV measurement of a confined swirling flow, Sajjad Haider, DTU

11:15              PIV measurements of opposed jets in cross flow, Mikko Korhonen, TKK

11:30-12:15  Turbulent transition and stability: Session Chair – Qiang Li, KTH

11:30              Optimal Disturbances and Receptivity in three-dimensional Boundary Layers, David Tempelmann, KTH

11:45              Receptivity of 2D Boundary-Layer Flow on a Plate with Elliptic Leading Edge, Lars-Uve Schrader, KTH

12:00              Spatial stability curves for wind turbine velocity profiles, Gabriel Hernandez, DTU 

12:30-14:00  Lunch 

14:00-14:45  Industrial applications 2: Session Chair – David Tempelmann, KTH

14:00              High-cycle thermal fatigue in mixing Tees: Large-Eddy Simulations compared to a new validation experiment, Johan Westin, Vattenfall

14:15              Ongoing projects - Tampere University of Technology, Aku Karvinen, TUT

14:30              Optimization design of the blade shape for wind turbine rotors, Xudong Wang, DTU

14:45-15:45  CFD methods: Session Chair – Florian von Stillfried, KTH

14:45              High-Order Flow/Acoustics Splitting Method for Computational Aeroacoustics, Wei Jun Zhu, DTU

15:00              A dissipative scale-similarity SGS model, Lars Davidsson, Chalmers

15:15              Realizability of an Algebraic Reynolds Stress Model, Mizanur Rahman, TKK

15:30              The Actuator Surface Model: A New Navier-Stokes Based Model for Rotor Computations, Wen Zhong Shen, DTU 

15:45-16:00     NPC-12 closing remarks, Stefan Wallin, KTH and FOI.


2 Clara Velte DTU DK
4 Wen Zhong Shen DTU DK
6 Xudong Wang DTU DK
8 Antti Hellsten TKK FI
10 Mizanur Rahman TKK FI
12 Aku Karvinen TUT FI
14 Heidi Niskanen UKU FI
16 Hatef Alidoosti Khaledi NTNU NO
18 Sinisa Krajnovic Chalmers SE
20 Shia-Hui Peng FOI SE
22 Ardeshir Hanifi FOI/KTH SE
24 Geert Brethouwer KTH SE
26 Florian von Stillfried KTH SE
28 Laszlo Fuchs KTH SE
30 Lars-Uve Schrader KTH SE
32 Olle Bodin KTH SE
34 Arne Johansson KTH SE
36 Sofie Högberg LTU SE
38 Richard Holm ITT Flygt SE
40 Mats Nigam Noss SE
42 Johan Westin Vattenfall SE
44 Andreas Gustafsson MYDATA SE

Special session on fibre suspension flows

From an initiative within the Nordic Pilot Centre, a special interest group (SIG-43) on fibre suspension flows has been established. In order to draw attention to this new group, a session dedicated to fibre suspension flows was organized at the annual meeting of the Nordic Pilot Centre, May 29 2008. The first part of the session consisted of four invited talks from industrial representatives and two from acadmia. The second part was a workshop on the topic ”Define a project for a PhD student within fibre suspension flows”. The workshop started with a presentation of the SIG by Jari Hämäläinen from University of Kuopio.

In the first talk Tomas Wikström from Metso Paper presented the fibre flow research at Metso Paper. The company produces equipment for pulp and paper manufacturing and the modelling includes aspects such as turbulence and chemical reactions. Several examples of cases were CFD had been used successfully in the machine design were presented. 

The second talk was given by Richard Holm at ITT WWW. The company produces equipment for water and wastewater management and issues include mixing, reactions and similar aspects. It was shown that the rheological properties vary considerably over time and that these effects are hard to model. 

Mats Nigam from Noss AB, a manufacturer of pulp preparation systems, presented some cases were available models had produces good predictions and some cases were they had failed. In particular, he drew the attention to flocculation of fibres and proposed an equation for the production of density variations, similar to the Reynolds stress equations.

The fourth industrial representative, Fredrik Innings from TetraPak AB, represented the food processing industry. He showed how the high fibre content of several fruit and vegetable products make predictions and machine design difficult. 

Sofie Högberg from Luleå University of Technology talked about deposition and transport of fibres in the respiratory airways and showed how the motion of a single fibre can be modelled in the bulk flow.

The second academic representative was Heidi Niskanen from University of Kuopio who presented the present efforts, e.g. fibre orientation modelling by the Fokker-Planck equation and flocculation modelling by surface tension driven drop/bubble analogies. 

The final workshop, in which all participants joined, concluded that there is a need for high quality, preferably time resolved, measurements together with modelling in order to determine what new knowledge that has to be produced.  

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