Numerical Simulation of Complex Atmospheric Boundary Layer Flows Problems
T. Bodnar, K. Kozel, I. Sladek, Ph. Fraunie
Formulation of Lagrangian Stochastic Models for Geophysical Turbulent Flows
A. Maurizi, F. Tampieri
Inertial Instability in Oceanic Flows
J.L. Pelegri, M. Auladell, A.W. Ratsimandresy, P. Sangra, E. Garcia-Ladona
Analysis of the Vortices and Associated Phenomena in the NW Mediterranien in 1996-1998
A. Platonov
Macrovortices-Induced Mixing in Coastal and Riverine Environments
L. Soldini, A. Piattella, M. Brocchini, A. Mancinelli
Turbulent Mixing in the Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layer
C. Yagüe, G. Morales, J. Cuxart, E. Terradellas
Fractal Aspects of Environmental Turbulence
J.M. Redondo, J. Grau, V. Nieves, I.A. Tabaszewski