Bulletin 127, June 2021

Table of Contents:

ERCOFTAC Da Vinci Competition
S. Hickel

Ignition and Propagation Mechanisms of Spray Flames
P. M. de Oliveira

Turbulent Drag Reduction by Anisotropic Permeable Substrates
G. Gomez-de-Segura

Spatio-temporal Analysis of Wall-bounded Turbulence: A Multidisciplinary Perspective via Complex Networks
G. Iacobello

Investigation of the Flow Physics in a Ventricular Assist Device Under Consideration of the Influence of Turbulence on the Computation of Blood Damage
B. Torner

Direct Numerical Simulation and Stability Analysis of Transonic Flow Around Airfoils at Moderate Reynolds Numbers
M. Zauner

Workshop and Summer School Reports:

Onset of Turbulence and Singular Flows
T. Bodnar, C. Cambon, and P. Fraunie
Workshop organised by Henri Benard Pilot Centre, SIG14, SIG35



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