IX International Conference on Computer Hydromechanics
PC Ukraine IX International Conference
Computer Hydromechanics
1st - 2nd October 2024
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Hydromechanics, Kiev, Ukraine
The Conference will be held in a hybrid form at the Hydromechanics Institute and online using the ZOOM platform.
Computer simulation of problems of continuum mechanics
Numerical methods in solid mechanics
Hydrodynamic stability
Management of vortex structures in flows
Computer methods of experimental data processing
15th August 2024 – registration forms and abstracts/papers;
2nd September 2024 – information on acceptance
Certificates can be issued for the participants.
Conference languages: Ukrainian, English.
The registration fee is set low to cover exclusively needs of the conference, which is not supported by other sources.
EUR 100 can be paid in cash at the conference or by bank transfer (details to be given via e-mail).
Students and post-graduate students are fee exempt.
Ukrainian participants will pay in UAH (to be indicated via e-mail).
About the organizers:
The Institute of Hydromechanics has been engaged in research in hydrodynamics, acoustics, hydraulics, and hydraulic engineering since 1963. Currently, active research is underway to explore the feasibility and patterns of movement at the speed of sound. Investigations within the speed ranges characteristic of contemporary underwater and surface vessels have led to the development of novel approaches to manage motion drag and regulate wave generation.
ERCOFTAC Chairman and SPC Chair will be present at the concluding online session of the conference.
Chairman of the Conference Program Committee:
Academician of NASU V.T. Grinchenko (IHM NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine)
Program Committee:
Academician of NASU S.O.Dovgyi (IHM NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine)
Academician of NASU O.M.Himich (V.M.Glushkov IC NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine),
Corr. Member of NASU V.I. Timoshenko (ITM NASU, Dnipro, Ukraine)
Prof. V.A. Vanin (Prof. B.A.Vanin (NTU “KhPI”, Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Prof. V.S. Maderych (IPMMS NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine)
Prof. Ye.O.Shkvar (IHM NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine)
Dr. Sci. S.V. Alekseenko (DNU, Dnipro)
Dr. Sci. T.O. Redchyts (ITST NASU, Dnipro, Ukraine)
Dr. Sci.D.I. Cherniy (KNU, Kyiv, Ukraine) Dr. Sci. Ia.V. Zagumennyi (IHM NASU,
Kyiv, Ukraine)
Prof. Dr. P. Fraunie (Université de Toulon, France)
Prof. Tomáš Bodnár (Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic)
Head of the organizing committee:
G.O. Voropaiev, Corr. Member of NASU (IHM NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine)
About the International Conference «Computer Hydromechanics:
The “Computer Hydromechanics” conference is dedicated to studying possibilities of computer modeling in the field of fluid mechanics, to successful application of certain numerical models for solving scientific and engineering problems. Since its inception in 2008, the conference has attracted scientists and engineers from various fields, from aerospace and energy to medicine and transport, and served as a meeting place of Ukrainian scientists with their colleagues from around the world (Fig. 1):
Subjects of discussions covered a number of areas:
Computer simulation and numerical methods of continuum mechanics;
Hydrodynamic stability;
Management of vortex structures ;
Computer methods for processing the experimental data.
Evolution of the conference range of topics, 2008-present:
2008 - first conference. Main themes:
- possibilities of numerical methods for solving problems of hydro- and aerodynamics;
- features of vortex flows;
- multiphase flows;
- drug reduction;
- development of mathematical models to solve specific applied problems;
- aerodynamics of supersonic flows;
- methods of parallel processing in hydromechanics.
2010 - expansion of the initial conference topics:
- electric vorticity flows, electroosmatic flows;
- peculiarities of computer processing of flow visualization in experiments;
- stratified flows;
- cavitation;
- numerical calculations in acoustics;
- influence of magnetic fields in hydrodynamics problems.
2012 - further expansion of topicsdue to included problems of
- channel and bottom currents;
- plasma-assisted fluid dynamics.
2014 – new topics related to
- non-isothermal problems;
- ignition processes in gas-dispersed flows;
- heat transfer enhancement using flow control.
2016 - the conference was enriched with
- problems of glaciation;
- modeling of air and ocean pollution processes;
- experimental studies of heart noises;
- studies of the blood flow hydrodynamics;
- presentation of our developed software packages for fluid dynamics.
2018 - the conference topics expanded to include:
- flow features in microchannels;
- modeling of cooling systems;
- computer modeling of processes that occur under emergency conditions in nuclear reactors.
2020 - the mentioned above topics were supplemented with the nanofluid instability modeling.
2022 - further expansion of topics due to included
- problems increasing accuracy of measurements;
- melting modeling;
- modeling of processes in water-saturated soil.
Several charts of Figs 2, 3 summarize the conference evolution.
Fig. 2. Number of participants by year
Fig. 3. Number of participating organizations by year
Despite the known difficulties that seriously affect scientific activity in Ukraine, the conference remains a forum for scientists supporting their further research enthusiasm and efforts to stay connected with their colleagues. Since the martial law does not allow men to leave the country, conferences held in Ukraine are our only practical possibility to stay in touch with the world. That is why we would appreciate if our colleagues join us in Kyiv where we could share our knowledge and experience with each other.
ERCOFTAC provides a well-developed first-class platform for getting acquainted and benefiting from being together.