From 15th to 20th December 2024, in the CNRS Paul Langevin center, the French CNRS Scientific Network “TransInter” (in collaboration with ERCOFTAC SIG53 and SIG35) organized Boiling Winter School ( in the tight partnership between big industrial companies (IFP Energies Nouvelles, Constellium, CEA, EDF, ArianGroup, AirLiquide, Arcelor Mittal) and academic French laboratories (LEMTA, IMFT, CETHIL, LTEN).
The objective was to highlight the physical phenomena characterizing the gas phase formation under complex thermal and hydrodynamic conditions. A particular attention was paid to the advanced numerical and experimental techniques. The specific topics were related to the high pressure boiling (including vapor explosion) and surface structuration.
The courses (over the 28 hours) were given in English. Around one hundred participants, from all over Europe, attended the school. Some of attendants presented their current work during the poster sessions. Two free afternoons were planned for discussions between lecturers and attendants.
Some of the lecturers
Participants from all over Europe
The special talk introduced ERCOFTAC, its structure, its main objectives and activities
Discussions "lecturers - attendants" took place in the afternoons
Full report will be available in ERCOFTAC Bulletin.