The Colloquium "Fluid turbulence Applications in Both Industrial and ENvironmental topics" put together a scientific community developing studies on Turbulence and its coupling with environmental aspects, the latter being fundamental for a better understanding of the climate change. The scientific aspects have been very various and they dealt with: variable density/viscosity flows, two-phase flows, aeroacoustic interactions, passive and active scalar mixing, pollutant transfer in a natural and urban environment, natural risks and their impact on population protect. The approaches used were: theoretical, numerical and experimental.
Some participants to the colloquium
The event found its origins in the research performed over years by Fabien ANSELMET, Professor at Ecole Centrale Marseille, in the domain of turbulence, as well as his numerous national and international collaborations carried out throughout his career.
The colloquium was organized jointly by the laboratories IRPHE (UMR AMU/CNRS/ECM, Marseille), CORIA (Rouen), IRSN (Cadarache), Irstea (Montpellier, Aix en Provence), LEGI (Grenoble) as well as DANTEC Dynamics (Copenhague, Danemark), between 9 and 11 July 2019, in Ecole Centrale, Marseilles. The laboratory IRPHE (in collaboration with the financial service of CNRS) ensure the financial management of the Event.
The number of participants was of 45. The international participants have been from Australia (2), Denmark (1), Canada (2), United Kingdom (2), and represent 15% of the participants. A booklet of Abstracts, bags and maps and other documents have been offered to each participant. The social events favoured the scientific exchanges and fostered collaborations.
This Colloquium was also an opportunity to highlight Fabien Anselmet's contribution to research on turbulent flows, in this year of his 60th birthday. The themes of the conference were related to the research he has pursued throughout his career. This conference provided a state of the art of the knowledge on the coupling of turbulence with physical processes such as mixing, whether reactive or not, with mono or multiphase, with density variation and / or viscosity, aeroacoustics, etc. It has been an opportunity to encourage meetings and discussions between various scientific communities. International participation was effective, and the official language of the conference was English.
The philosophy of the colloquium was to put forth original and important research discoveries, based on originality and creativity in the domain of turbulence, with particular accent on phenomenology, metrology, numerical methods, for fundamental and applied studies. After the event, the scientific committee proposed to the participants to share the supports of their presentations. This was accepted by a large majority. The colloquium benefitted from the label « 80 years of CNRS » and this was announced through the CNRS advertising system.
The congress, as well as all social events, took place in Marseilles. A boat trip was proposed at the end of the first congress day. The second day, the visit of the MUCEM museum was proposed to the participants. A dinner followed at the Musée Regards de Provence.
All information available here.