From left to right: prof. S. Discetti, prof. M. Mendez, prof. T. Astarita, prof. F. Scarano
The course was prepared for forthcoming PIV practitioners who wish to become expert users and/or developers of PIV and was given in both online and on-site format. During the PIV-interactive-sessions the participants received:
an overview of planar and volumetric PIV and LPT, including examples of application in a wide range of flows;
a review of the state-of-art methods for data post-processing;
the practical examples with code writing of PIV image processing and data post-processing, with emphasis on the “human factor” in PIV image analysis and on the importance of robust algorithms to reduce measurement uncertainty;
an opportunity to analyse images with their custom-made software or with open software available online.
Also the fundamentals of the technique were discussed and the attendees become familiar with the most recent developments in the field of PIV and LPT.
The diversified programme included two laboratory visits with a laboratory demo and also poster sessions, which allowed the participants to further exchange and interact with the lecturers.
The detailed summary of the course will be published in ERCOFTAC Bulletin and based on this successful event the similar course will be organised in the future.
Group picture of the teachers and participants of the lecture series