Professor Marianna Braza
The spotlight is on Dr. Marianna Braza
as the next interviewee in our series highlighting the Women in ERCOFTAC.
Marianna’s research specialism is Aerodynamics, Turbulence, Fluid-Structure Interaction at the Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse. She is the Co-ordinator of ERCOFTAC’s SIG 41, Fluid Structure Interaction with Dr Elisabeth Longatte.
Read on to find out more about Marianna’s interesting career and research.
What is your academic background?
After completing a PhD: "Doctorat d'Ingénieur", Institut National Polytechnique Toulouse, France, in 1981, Marianna then went on to obtain at Doctor of Science, "Doctorat d'Etat", Institut National Polytechnique Toulouse, France in 1986 : Laboratory Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse.
What projects are you working on currently?
I’m the coordinator of the research platform, "SMARTWING", bringing 6 national research institutes together and with a strong collaboration with Airbus - Toulouse, as well as being the Head of the Morphing Laboratory for the Wings of the Future project.
Research projects include:
Was there a woman who inspired you to get into your field?
Unfortunately, there are still very few women involved in aeronautics research (and there were even fewer when I had started my career). I was passionate about aerodynamics from a very young age. In high school, I wanted to enter the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique of France (CNRS).
I was particularly interested in understanding the physical concepts allowing the large span hunting birds to fly with high maneuverability capabilities. That’s why for the last two decades, I developed the field of bioinspired electroactive morphing.
What advice would you give to young women wanting to get into STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics)?
To follow what your heart dictates and be sure that you will succeed. There are no professions that women cannot do. You have to be perseverant and confident in your capabilities.
What are the benefits of being a member of ERCOFTAC?
I have been a member of ERCOFTAC since the early 1990s. Thanks to ERCOFTAC, we can share our research with the scientific community, promote science and technology as well as motivate the younger generations. Furthermore, we have the opportunity to be involved in important thematic networks, such as the SIGs, and get inspired with new ideas as well as establish valuable collaborations and exchanges.
Thanks Marianna for your interesting insights! You can find out more about the exciting activities of SIG 41 here.